Waiting Too Long

To Move Your Loved One into a Senior Living

The good news is that you can never be too early. However, you can be too late.

The staff at Canterfield Senior Living have heard countless stories from family members or partners about the moment they realized their loved one wasn’t safe living at home. From seniors taking the car out for an errand and getting lost, to seniors opening windows during hurricanes or driving into buildings, their safety and sense of security were compromised at home.

Waiting too long can not only hurt the senior, but the relationships the senior has as well.

Fighting the transition to a Senior Living Community is often due to denial. But over time, as the evidence of declining memory or health continues to grow and the role of caretaker becomes a burden, relationships can strain. People may become frustrated and exhausted. The comfort or enjoyment a senior could be having is replaced with guilt and resentment. (Read our Caregiver Burnout article for more.)

With Canterfield’s aging-in-place system, you can move your loved one into our community long before their health or memory becomes an issue. They can enjoy the amenities of Independent Living and establish the Canterfield community long before they need Assisted Living or Memory Care.

The more you wait, the harder it is going to be. For example, if your loved one receives an early life threatening diagnosis, it would be better to move them into a community when they are still active and healthy. Adjusting to a new home is less stress economically, physically, and mentally when there is more time to do it.

By starting early, before a crisis situation, and taking time to make the correct move, the transition will be easier and enjoyable.

Most importantly, as your loved one’s care needs change, they have already established Canterfield as home. There is no confusion or desire to run away. They look at our caregivers and see people who they know to trust, all while being surrounded by their new friends.

Now to the big question…

How do you know when it’s time?

Take a survey of your loved one:

  1. Are they needing help with activities of daily living?

  2. Could they use more socialization?

  3. Do they need care coordination?

  4. Would a lifestyle without home maintenance or daily chores reduce their stress?

  5. Is home maintenance more than your loved one can handle?

  6. Do they lack access to proper nutrition?

  7. Have you noticed changes in your loved one, mentally or physically?

If any of these answers are “yes,” consider booking a tour with a Senior Living Community.

Senior Living has come a long way in the past two decades. They are contemporary and elegant. If you have a certain idea of what senior living looks like, you may be pleasantly surprised.


The Next Chapter


Caregiver Burnout